What is a Delayed Registration of Birth?
To apply for a Delayed Registration of Birth through the Cuyahoga County Probate Court, you must have been born in the State of Ohio.
When a child is born in Ohio, and their registration of birth is not recorded, or has been lost or destroyed, or has not been properly and accurately recorded, they may file an application for delayed registration of birth in the probate court of the county of the person's birth or residence or the county in which the person's mother resided at the time of the person's birth.
If the person is a minor the application shall be signed by either parent or the person's guardian.
For more information, please consult the Ohio Revised Code 3705.15.
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What procedures are involved in filing a Delayed Registration of Birth?
Upon the filing of the application, the court may set a date for a hearing, which shall be not less than seven days after the filing date.
The court may require one publication of notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least seven days prior to the date of the hearing.
Upon being satisfied that notice of the hearing on the application has been given by publication, if required, and that the claim of the applicant is true, the court shall make a finding upon all the facts required on a birth record, and shall order the registration of the birth of the applicant.
The court will transmit to the director of health a certified summary of its finding and order, on a form prescribed by the director, who shall file it in the records of the central division of vital statistics.
A certified copy of the birth record registered by court order as provided in this section shall have the same legal effect for all purposes as an original birth record.
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Can I electronically file (E-File) for a Delayed Registration of Birth?
Yes, Applications may be E-Filed using the following guideline. Other useful links are below:
E-File Home Page and Login
E-File Account Registration
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What documents are needed to file a Delayed Registration of Birth?
Certified Non-Record Statement from the Ohio Department of Health, Vital Statistics.
(Local office at Cleveland City Hall – (216) 664-2317). (Note: For births that occurred prior to December 20, 1908, please contact the Probate Court in the county where the birth occurred for the search.)
Application for Delayed Registration of Birth (CCPC HEA 2782)
(Application MUST be typed complete with ink signatures and ink-signed by notary).
Application for minors to be signed by both parents (if applicable) in the presence of a notary.
Supporting Affidavits (CCPC HEA 2782 AFF) of at least two (2) persons, relatives, or non-relatives having personal knowledge of the facts stated in the application
Supporting Affidavit of Attending Physician (at time of birth)
(Affidavits MUST be ink-signed by Affiant/Physician, notarized and ink-signed by notary).
Two (2) of the following documents as evidence of the place and date of birth and the parentage of the registrant and any other facts alleged on form CCPC HEA 2782:
Social Security Numident - (for Numident requests visit the Social Security's Website).
Baptismal Record
Certified Marriage Application – listing place and date of birth and parentage
Hospital or Medical Records (e.g. Immunization Records)
For Minor applications School Enrollment Records from Kindergarten or First Grade
US Military Discharge Record Form DD214
Voter Registration Card
Applicant’s valid photo identification
Copy of death certificate(s) if parent(s) of the minor is deceased.
Certified order of guardianship of the minor, if the applicant for Registration is a guardian.
If you have any questions regarding a Delayed Registration of Birth, please consult an Ohio licensed attorney BEFORE you submit filings to the Probate Court.
For general questions about the Registration process, please contact the Probate Court Marriage Department at (216) 443–8920.
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