Name Changes

Can I electronically file (E-File) an application for a Change of Name?

Yes, Applications may be E-Filed using the following Adult guideline.

Yes, Applications may be E-Filed using the following Minor guideline.

Other useful links are below:
E-File Home Page and Login
E-File Account Registration

A birth certificate is now required for all adult and minor name changes at the time of filing. If the applicant or minor was born outside of the state of Ohio, the birth certificate will be required at the time of the hearing.

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How do I get a certified copy of my name change judgment entry?

Certified copies of name change judgement entries can be requested in person in Room 123 at the Probate Court, or by a written request through the mail (the request must include the case number, and names before and after the change). Please include "Room 123" when addressing the envelope.

Case numbers can be found in our online index search.

We cannot e-mail or fax copies of name change judgment entries. Payment must be made before certified copies will be sent.

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How much do certified copies of a name change judgment entry cost?

Each certified copy costs $2.00 per page either with cash, or a money order made payable to Cuyahoga County Probate Court. No personal checks are accepted.

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Where do I find my case number for my name change?

Try our online index search.

Can't find your case number online? The Probate Court only holds name change records for name changes that were filed here at the Cuyahoga County Probate Court.

Check below for contact information for other departments in the County or State of Ohio, where your name may have been changed.

Department Phone
1920-1975 Records (216) 443-8792
1811-1919 Records (Imaging Dept.) (216) 443-8936
Through a Marriage (Marriage Dept.) (216) 443-8920
Through a Legal Adoption (Adoption Dept.) (216) 443-8989
Through a Divorce Decree (Domestic Relations) (216) 443-8800
Through an Affidavit of Paternity (Family Services) (216) 443-5100
Bureau of Vital Statistics (614) 466-2531
Juvenile Court (216) 443-8400
Cuyahoga County Archives (216) 443-7250
Immigration and Naturalization (800) 375-5283

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For additional information please see the FAQ provided by the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics.

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