
For inquiries regarding Ohio's new Compliant Driver License and Identification Card, please review FAQ on obtaining a certified copy of a marriage license/certificate.

General Information

Hours: Location
Monday thru Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cuyahoga County Probate Court
Marriage License Department
Pursuant to Local Rule 53
All pleadings requiring a new case number
or the payment of court costs
shall be filed by 4:15 p.m.
1 Lakeside Avenue West
Room 129 (1st Floor)
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Phone number: (216) 443-8920
Need Directions?

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Online Pre-Registration

The Marriage Department is open for in-person appearances (no appointment necessary). Couples MUST pre-register for a marriage license online via our website. Successful pre-registration will provide more information on in-person appearances. Registration information is only stored for 90 days. The Marriage License is only valid for 60 days from the date of issuance.

Pre-Registration for a Marriage License is mandatory. Issuance of the marriage license is NOT a ceremony. Thank you!

Online Marriage Pre-Registration

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What are the Procedures Regarding Marriage Licenses?

In the State of Ohio, the application for a marriage license must be made in the county of either applicant. If neither applicant is a resident of Ohio, the application must be made in the county in which the ceremony is performed.

Both parties are required to be present at the time of making the application for the marriage license. If either, or both applicants are physically incapacitated, their physician must complete an affidavit as to the physical disability, and this affidavit shall be filed with the application for the marriage license.

Each applicant must provide a social security number.

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Redaction Guidelines - per Ohio Revised Code 149.45

If you believe you are permitted by Ohio Revised Code 149.45 to have your personal address and phone number redacted from the internet, you must make your request in person at the Court. Please review the Court Guidelines.

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Interpretation Services

Please call (216) 443-8979 to inquire about Interpretation Services for hearings. Forty-eight (48) hours notice is needed. Telephonic interpretation is available for all non-hearing proceedings; twenty-four (24) hours notice is preferred. For additional information please visit the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Won't A Marriage License Be Issued To?

Persons nearer of kin than second cousins (O.R.C. 3101.01), or when either of the applicants is under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or controlled substance or is infected with syphilis in a form that is communicable or likely to become communicable (O.R.C. 3101.06).

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What are the Procedures Regarding Marriage Licenses?

In the State of Ohio, the application for a marriage license must be made in the county of either applicant. If neither applicant is a resident of Ohio, the application must be made in the county in which the ceremony is performed.

Both parties are required to be present at the time of making the application for the marriage license. If either, or both applicants are physically incapacitated, their physician must complete an affidavit as to the physical disability, and this affidavit shall be filed with the application for the marriage license.

Each applicant must provide a social security number.

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What is the Earliest Legal Age One Can be Married?

The law requires that a male or female applicant be SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS or more. Proof of age is required for all applicants.

If both applicants joining in marriage are SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS of age, they may be joined in marriage only if juvenile court has filed a consent to the marriage.

If only one applicant is SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS of age, that applicant may be joined in marriage only if juvenile court has filed a consent to the marriage and the other person to be joined in marriage is not more than four (4) years older than the applicant of seventeen (17) years of age.

Probate court may issue a license not earlier than fourteen (14) calendar days after the juvenile court files their consent if either applicant is seventeen (17) years of age.

COUNSELING: Applicants under 18 years of age must have received marriage counseling before the license can be issued.

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If One (or Both) of Us Have Been Married Before, Do We Need to Show Our Divorce Papers?

Yes, if either party has been divorced, the Places, Dates and Case Numbers of the Divorces are required. A certified copy of the last divorce decree must be presented at the time of application.

What is the Cost for a Marriage License?

The fee for a Marriage License is $60.00. The Court accepts cash, money order, cashier’s check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express credit or debit cards. There is a $2.95 convenience fee to use a credit or debit card.

Please note that the Marriage License is valid for SIXTY (60) DAYS from the date of issuance.

SPECIAL NOTE: Because of the numerous requests by civilians and persons in the Armed Forces to show proof of marriage at an early date, it is to be emphasized that upon the marriage of the parties, it is very important that the CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE be signed by the person Solemnizing the marriage who then sends the Certificate of Marriage Return to the Probate Court as soon as possible, but within THIRTY (30) DAYS. (R.C.3101.14)

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Where Can I Obtain a Certified Copy of My Marriage License/Certificate?

To obtain a certified copy of your Marriage License the Court needs to know the first and last names of both applicants, including the maiden or name prior to marriage, and the date of marriage. (If the exact date is not known, give an approximate year.)

Online Requests

Certified copies can be requested online for Marriage Licenses that have been returned and recorded. Please use the web docket to search your case number and then request copies using the Request Full Case Copy link on the case summary page.

Requests by Mail

Please see the new certified copies request form, now available online. Use this form to submit requests for certified copies of your marriage license.

Certified Copy of Marriage License Request Form

The cost of each certified copy is $2.00. You may request copies by mail. Please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope with money order or cashier's check made payable to:

Cuyahoga County Probate Court
1 Lakeside Avenue West
Cleveland, OH 44113

Due to the new BMV rules there is a two (2) week turnaround time to obtain a certified copy of your marriage license by mail.

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